Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What a difference a few days makes!

Lyz and I had decided that if there were no new sprouts by tonight, we would replant after the softball game.

Our phone rang at 4:30. It was a very excited Avery! She called to let us know that there were pumpkin sprouts and pea shoots and corn stalks growing!! She also made us promise that we would come over tonight and see all the new stuff!!

Of course we would come over and see the new growth!!

Look how much the radishes have grown in five days:

Avery showing off one batch of pumpkins:

And the giant pumpkins:

Corn is growing too:

Hmm...somehow I forgot to get a picture of the peas!!

So now we are only missing cucumbers, cantaloupes, carrots and green beans. I think I see some carrots growing...but it is hard to tell because we missed a little bit of the grass when we were taking it out of the ground.

Farmer Chris is enjoying inspecting the work:

In other growth news...our eggs have multiplied!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Look!! Radish sprouts!!

See those cute little sprouts? Yeah!! We have radish sprouts!! Avery was so very excited to show us!

Nothing else is growing. We are going to give it a few more days and if nothing else has shown up, we will replant. We may have done the planting a bit on the early side because we have had quite a few nights where it has gotten close to freezing, so we will just wait and see.

There is even more growth going on at Avery's house. On the front porch there is a fake ficus tree. In the fake ficus tree a happy robin couple has built a nest. Now there are two beautiful eggs in the nest. We are all excited to keep an eye on the nest and watch the eggs "grow up"!

Monday, April 20, 2009

We have sprouting!!

We received a very excited phone call this afternoon from Avery.

The radishes are sprouting!!!

We shall go visit them tomorrow and come back with pictures of our happy little sprouts!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

The rain held off...SO WE PLANTED!!!

After I got off work we all decided that the rain was holding off, so we could just plant today and get our little seeds all started! So exciting.

We had no sooner got in the car then Avery called Jenn to tell her just how excited she was and that all the seed packets were ready and waiting!

The first seed to go in was corn. Avery and I planted one row and Jenn and Lyz each planted a row, while Chris planted radishes:

We also planted snap peas, carrots, cantaloupes, cucumbers, pumpkins and GIANT pumpkins.

Putting in the GIANT pumpkin seeds:

Once everything was planted we gave the garden a really good watering:

After we were finished working on the garden, Jenn and Chris decided to pull some huge bushes out of the front of the house, Joni wasn't thrilled:

Chris's truck did most of the work:

And then they were gone:

An hour after all the planting was done Avery already wanted to go outside and check and see if anything had grown yet. It will be one to two weeks before we start seeing sprouts, and if all goes well, within 45 days we should be harvesting our first radishes!!

The "Manly" work

Today the garden is officially under way. Jenn met Chris over at the house at 7:30am so they could go rent the rototiller and get started on making the ground ready for planting. There was a heavy forecast of rain...but it held off for them to finish their job.

Learning how to use it:

Loading it into the car:

Garden Before:

(please note the paint line so that we wouldn't go outside of our prescribed measurements)

Avery looking on while daddy tills:

Jenn's turn:

Look Jenn, I found a worm!:

Avery raking out the rocks:

Ready for planting:

If it wasn't for the fact that it is supposed to rain alllll day long, we would so plant this afternoon. But, we need to wait for the rain to hold off for a bit and then planting will begin!!!

How does your garden grow?

A few months back Lyz and I were talking on the phone and somehow we got on the subject of gardens. Lyz mentioned that Avery wanted to plant one, and I answered back that I have wanted to plant one for years!

Thus began the planning of Avery's Garden.

Me, being oh so organized in everything but my home, started a file:

Then a few weeks ago Chris and I went outside into their backyard and measured off the area he was willing to sacrifice to the gardening effort.

Once I had that information, and the list of what we want to plant, I drew up a plan:

Can't wait to get started!!