We had no sooner got in the car then Avery called Jenn to tell her just how excited she was and that all the seed packets were ready and waiting!

The first seed to go in was corn. Avery and I planted one row and Jenn and Lyz each planted a row, while Chris planted radishes:

We also planted snap peas, carrots, cantaloupes, cucumbers, pumpkins and GIANT pumpkins.

Putting in the GIANT pumpkin seeds:

Once everything was planted we gave the garden a really good watering:

After we were finished working on the garden, Jenn and Chris decided to pull some huge bushes out of the front of the house, Joni wasn't thrilled:

Chris's truck did most of the work:

And then they were gone:

An hour after all the planting was done Avery already wanted to go outside and check and see if anything had grown yet. It will be one to two weeks before we start seeing sprouts, and if all goes well, within 45 days we should be harvesting our first radishes!!
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