Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What a difference a few days makes!

Lyz and I had decided that if there were no new sprouts by tonight, we would replant after the softball game.

Our phone rang at 4:30. It was a very excited Avery! She called to let us know that there were pumpkin sprouts and pea shoots and corn stalks growing!! She also made us promise that we would come over tonight and see all the new stuff!!

Of course we would come over and see the new growth!!

Look how much the radishes have grown in five days:

Avery showing off one batch of pumpkins:

And the giant pumpkins:

Corn is growing too:

Hmm...somehow I forgot to get a picture of the peas!!

So now we are only missing cucumbers, cantaloupes, carrots and green beans. I think I see some carrots growing...but it is hard to tell because we missed a little bit of the grass when we were taking it out of the ground.

Farmer Chris is enjoying inspecting the work:

In other growth news...our eggs have multiplied!

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