Thursday, May 7, 2009


This afternoon my phone rang and when I said hello the person on the other end of the phone was talking so fast, so high pitched, so excited that I could barely understand a word of it.

After listening twice I realized that Avery was telling me that two of her eggs hatched!!!

The two sweet little birdies are kinda ugly to be quite honest.

Lyz said that when they walked out to get the mail Avery asked to see into the nest. Lyz said okay and then realized as she looked up that there was a little tiny beak peeking over the edge of the nest. She ran into the house to get a chair to stand on so that her and Avery could both look in together. The two hatched birdies streched their little necks up trying begging to be fed. After realizing that they weren't getting fed they put their heads back down all tired and exhausted looking. Lyz also said there is a hole in the third egg, so we think that it will be hatching soon!

Stayed tuned for some more gardening. Lyz weeded quite a bit today. Thank you Lyz!!

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